Latest information

VitaFoods Europe 2023
9-11 may 2023, Geneva, Switzerland
We participate in VitaFoods Europe 2022 industry event, where representatives of the global nutraceutical market meet every year, including: leading manufacturers and distributors dietary supplements and functional foods, wholesalers, suppliers, importers, exporters, branding and marketing specialists and other service providers related to the industry.
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VitaFoods Europe 2023
9-11 may 2023, Geneva, Switzerland
We participate in VitaFoods Europe 2022 industry event, where representatives of the global nutraceutical market meet every year, including: leading manufacturers and distributors dietary supplements and functional foods, wholesalers, suppliers, importers, exporters, branding and marketing specialists and other service providers related to the industry.
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VitaFoods Europe 2023
9-11 may 2023, Geneva, Switzerland
We participate in VitaFoods Europe 2022 industry event, where representatives of the global nutraceutical market meet every year, including: leading manufacturers and distributors dietary supplements and functional foods, wholesalers, suppliers, importers, exporters, branding and marketing specialists and other service providers related to the industry.
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KRSiO Association
11 august 2022
Just today we were officially accepted as supporting and ordinary members of the KRSiO Association. This is an achievement for us, what does it mean for you?
The National Council of Supplements and Nutrients brings together producers and distributors of dietary supplements, consulting companies, law firms and outstanding experts in the field of supplementation.
As a customer, you can be sure that Allium Pharma:
It cooperates with experts, scientists and practitioners, and supports other producers in the field of health, nutrition, food and dietary supplements.
It focuses on a conscious consumer and clear legal regulations.
KRSiO is the voice of the industry in Poland, Europe and the world. We are glad to be that voice too.

Fairs PCI Days 2022
22-23 june 2022, EXPO XXI, Warszawa
We take part in the Fair for the Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Industry. Over 40 speeches and 4 industry workshops.
Participation in specialist lectures as well as in workshops is FREE.
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VitaFoods Europe 2022
10-12 may 2022, Geneva, Switzerland
We participate in VitaFoods Europe 2022 industry event, where representatives of the global nutraceutical market meet every year, including: leading manufacturers and distributors dietary supplements and functional foods, wholesalers, suppliers, importers, exporters, branding and marketing specialists and other service providers related to the industry.
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